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Before you fill out your Bridge application for returning RBC students, please provide us your name and e-mail address so that we can send confirmation when the application has been successfully submitted.

Before filling out your Bridge application for returning RBC students, please provide us your name and e-mail address so that we can send confirmation when the application has been successfully submitted.

Note that this returning student registration is for students who have attended Rosedale Bible College within the last several years. If you last attended prior to the 2023–2024 academic year (if registering for 2025–2026), or the 2024–2025 academic year (if registering for 2026–2027), please complete the new student application for admission.

New Programs Coming September 2020!

Rosedale School of Business and Leadership

Preparing kingdom workers to engage the marketplace with excellence and integrity.

Training in Ministry Distance Learning

An innovative approach to using distance learning tools to equip believers and churches for more effective ministry.

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